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Published Friday 20 September 2024 by Mark Brindle in Video Production

topic icon The Locksmith Novel Blends History and Crime with Personal Touches

Julian Poulter has turned his award-winning The Locksmith script into a full-length novel and self-published copies to sell in his shop in Devon and online.  He has been discussing the process with Devon Live again in this online article about The Locksmith novel, blending history, crime and personal touches into a gripping read.

The Locksmith is a love story set in Victorian London, where a young man becomes caught up in the Jack The Ripper scandal. The original Locksmith script was finished with the help of Mark at Maniac Films and has been winning awards at many film festivals which have a script entry, including The Shepperton Screenwriting festival and the 100 Screenplays festival 2024.

The Locksmith Finalist at screenplay awards

The Locksmith script was also a winner at the Best Script Awards, London in July 2024.

The Locksmith script Winner best screenplay award London July 2024

If you need help with script development or screenplay formatting, then please get in touch with Mark at Maniac Films.

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