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Published Monday 9 January 2023 by Stu Gaunt in Crew Hire

topic icon Script editing for A Call to Arms feature

Mark has been working with local writer Julian Poulter to help to bring his feature film script to life.

Julian has written a script for a Viking themed feature film called 'A Call to Arms', set at the beginning of the middle ages  and based on real historical characters. Julian needed help with the technical formatting of the script for submission to studios and competitions to try and get his vision onto the screen.
Julian Poulter keen archer and Viking screenplay writer
Over the last few months Mark and Julian have been working closely together to tweak the script, ensuring that it meets the criteria for script submission.
This has involved small re-writes to fill in plot issues, character backgrounds and fleshing out some more of the gory descriptions for battle scenes.

The script is 99% complete now and Mark will shortly begin to submit it to various competitions, festivals and companies, where hopefully the script will be noticed and one day be made into a feature film!

This is the first feature film script for Julian but he has written many short stories and co-wrote the book "A Peerless Gentleman" with his father David in 2018.

A Call to arms poster for Viking feature script

Julian said "I have a love of history and being a keen archer and fencer it's nice to have a connection with historical films."

Mark said "It has been really fun working on the Viking script and inspired me to want to write more".

If you need any help bringing your script to life, contact us here at Maniac Films and we can chat about your needs and how we can help you.

Talk to us about your project!