The Reverend grade and vfx begins at Maniac Films
Published Thursday 21 July 2011 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionFresh from the edit suite, the final cut of the new Neil Jones film, The Reverend is now being graded by Maniac Films. We will also be adding additional visual effects and cleaning up shots to finish the featire film. We are also working on the trailer, grading and cleaning up the shots r...

Live video editing and CD & DVD authoring for Steve Tucker
Published Tuesday 12 July 2011 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionSteve Tucker, frontman for Steve Tucker's All Star Jazz Band, brought us a pile of tapes containing live recordings of two recent band performances. Our task was to create a live DVD from these tapes and also encode individual tracks for Youtube As part of the project we visited Ilfra...

Mobile edit suite hire & editing assistance for Martin Cassini
Published Friday 8 July 2011 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionMartin Cassini's campaign for traffic system reform - Equality Streets (formerly FiT Roads) - continues. His latest project is a series of films for Cheshire East Council about the biggest shared space (no traffic lights) scheme yet seen in the UK. It's at a major junction in the ...

MIA nomination for North Devon Movie Bus DVDs
Published Wednesday 6 April 2011 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionWe are excited to announce that Maniac Films have just received a nomination for an award at the Media & Innovation Awards in the Installation/Exhibition/Live Events category. We helped with some of the editing and post production work on the DVD movies that play in the cinema inside t...

Risen gets US premiere & more screenings
Published Wednesday 12 January 2011 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionSince the World premiere of Risen: The Howard Wintsone Story in Cardiff, the director and producers have been working hard to promote the film across the world. Risen will have it's US premiere on January 21st as part of the prestigious New Jersey International Film Festival and Direc...

Updating promo film for Bristol Univeristy Engineering dept
Published Friday 3 December 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionIn order to help promote the courses and teaching methods at the Engineering Department of Bristol University, we have just finished editing an old promo film for them. We were sent a low-resolution rough edit with mono(left channel only) sound. The film had been made by cutting up a lon...

Spanish subtitling for Mexican premiere of Risen: The Howard Winstone Story
Published Thursday 2 September 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionMexico City will soon play host to the Mexican premiere of the biopic movie Risen: The Howard Winstone Story. Director Neil Jones asked us if we could apply Spanish subtitles to the film. The translations were carried out by staff from the WBC Mexico offices and sent over to us. We then a...

New trailer for Risen: The Howard Winstone Story online now
Published Monday 30 August 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionThe latest trailer for the biopic movie, Risen: The Howard Winstone Story is now available for viewing on YouTube. This is the 1st trailer to be released since the knockout premiere in July and director Neil Jones has added quotes from reviews to the trailer. Here at Maniac Films we clea...

Steph Palmer returns to edit Paddle4Relief promo
Published Wednesday 11 August 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionSteph Palmer, who joined us last summer for work placement from Bournemouth University, has returned to work with for a week on a project that began during her last visit. In June last year we interviewed Tim Tanton Paddle4Relief and he has just returned from a trip to Sri-Lanka with vide...

Two more Moviebus films completed
Published Tuesday 3 August 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionWe have just completed the final edit, audio tweaking and grading for two more Moviebus projects. Film five in the series features the coastal town of Ilfracombe. It looks back at the tourism heyday of the town and the recent decline which creates a ghost town outside of he holidya season...

World Premiere of Risen: The Howard Winstone Story in Cardiff
Published Wednesday 28 July 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionWe have just returned from our trip up the red carpet for the premiere of Risen: the Howard Winstone Story at the Cardiff international Arena. The premiere was held as part of the WBC Night of Champions, a 3 day event that boasted some of the worlds biggest names in boxing and a number o...

Web video edits for Springboard Consultancy
Published Friday 16 July 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionWe were approached by North Devon based Springboard Consultancy with a series of videos that they had already filmed at their annual conference. The footage they supplied had been shot on a fairly basic handicam and was a bit under exposed and noisy. We tidied up the visuals and cle...

Big screen content for Goldcoast Oceanfest and live filming of Universe Inspectors
Published Thursday 10 June 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionThis years Goldcoast Oceanfest event in Croyde went perfectly and was blessed by good weather. We provided a range of adverts and promotional videos to be displayed on the big screen for the weekend event. The weekend also saw the 1st ever appearance of Croyde's legendary reggae band...

Moviebus films 3 and 4 completed
Published Friday 4 June 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionWe have just completed the final edit, audio tweaking and grading for two more Moviebus projects, 'The Beast, the Hunt & the Harvest' and 'Hippies & Hooligans - Yesterday's Westcountry Youth'. Film three has scenes from the hunt for the Beast of Exmoor, as well...

Dub Train edit for Universe Inspectors
Published Monday 24 May 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionFilmed at 2 different gigs and the live studio recording for the EP 'One Day', this is the legendary Croyde reggae Ska funk band The Universe Inspectors performing 'Dub Train'. No overdubs, 1 take. Recorded for the nearly ready (!) upcoming Universe Inspectors documentary ...

Movie Bus film two completed
Published Tuesday 18 May 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionEmma Giffard delivered to us the rough cut of the 2nd film for the North Devon Movie Bus - Sootbombs and Blazing Barrels. The second film is about local customs and celebrations, and does North Devon know how to celebrate! 'Sootbombs and Blazing Barrels' features rare 1930's f...

RISEN Director Neil Jones delivers final edit
Published Monday 17 May 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionNeil Jones, director of Risen: The Howard Winstone Story traveled down from Merthyr in Wales to deliver rushes from the last shoot and the final edit. Neil is now handing the film over to us for all Visual Effects shots (VFX), rotoscoping, cleanups and the final colour grade. We will be ...

Movie Bus film one completed and FCP tuition for Emma
Published Tuesday 13 April 2010 by Stu Gaunt in Post ProductionEmma Giffard from the North Devon Movie Bus contacted us for assistance in preparing the 1st film for the Movie Bus project. We first provided Emma with a days Final Cut tuition, introducing her to editing basics which would allow her to complete the basic cut for the film. A week later ...
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