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Published Wednesday 14 February 2024 by Mark Brindle in Video Production

topic icon Livestreaming Business Meeting for London Law Firm

Mark & Phil have just returned from another trip to London, where they were filming and live-streaming a business presentation to the employees of a global law firm near the Embankment. They only had a short time to build-in the camera and vision mixing equipment, plus a mixing desk and PA and radio mics for 7 presenters. Mark loaded in kit on the Sunday night ready to start setup early on the Monday morning for a full tech check and test of all functionality. Ellie was on hand as our audio technician to setup and EQ the PA system and mic up the clients ready for their pre-event testing.

Blackmagic 4K TV Studio Pro Vision Mixer on location at London client event

After the successful event, Mark provided an edit from the multicamera video and added in a few slides, a top and tail and then delivered it to the client same day.

If you need some extra crew for your next production or some live-streaming equipment, then please get in touch with us at Maniac Films to see if we can help.

Talk to us about your project!