We have been encoding a great new British feature film, Magnet by Director Larry Bammeke and distributed by World Harvest Christian Centre (TNM Productions). We helped Larry fix a few minor issues with the file delivery and delivered a DCP in time for its premier on a very tight deadline.
When projected in a cinema, the Digital Cinema Package (DCP) needs to be encoded to match the films' aspect ratio, otherwise you can end up with more letter boxing than intended. Magnet is in between 1.85:1 (standard 16:9) and a 2.35:1 scope aspect, and so it must be encoded as 1.85:1to avoid losing any of the picture information. We encoded the 5.1 surround soundtrack into the DCP. Watch the trailer on the link above or directly on YouTube.
In this gripping faith-based British drama, a young man ventures into a dangerous world of crime. When confronted with a harsh reality check, he spirals deeper into chaos. Sequences of criminal behaviour are occasionally intense. It is 161 minutes long from Director Larry Bammeke and the BBFC have rated it as a 12A certificate due to Violence, threat, language, drug misuse and, sexual violence references.
If you too need to create a 2k or 4k DCP for cinema screening for your short or feature film or require DVD or Blu-ray authoring services, then please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements. We cover all aspects of Encoding and Disc Authoring Services and can work remotely for clients in the UK and worldwide.