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Published Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Stu Gaunt in Video Production

topic icon Wicked Events Course filming for Absolute Dogs

Stu has just come back from 2 days of filming with AbsoluteDogs at Roadford Lake near Okehampton.
He was there to film a live event titled 'Wicked Events', a course for aspiring professional dog trainers to help them to run great dog training classes and events.

Over the two days, the footage was captured using a Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro and a Sony a7s II camera for the main shots, while a 2nd a7s II was used on our ronin-M gimbal for dynamic b-roll footage and to get in amongst group working sessions. Audio was recorded using a number of Sennheiser radio mics and the Edirol R-44 recorder.

The footage from the two days will be edited into 2x 4 hour videos and uploaded to the clients website where students can re-watch the day, or watch for the 1st time if they wern't able to attend.

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