Mark has been helping Daniel Ibbertson aka DJ Slope from Slope's Game Room YouTube channel with the finalisation of his Bluray release SEGA: The Complete History Vol 1 which compiles together ten of his best documentaries based on SEGA's most iconic arcade games to date into a dual layer Bluray. These films have been made over a long period of time and originally created on Daniel's YouTube channel which has over 30 million views to date.
The new SEGA gaming History Bluray features updated gameplay and edited versions of the ten films which cover arcade game classics such as After Burner, Daytona USA, House of The Dead, OutRun, Space Harrier and Super Hang-on - many of which I remember playing all too well, said Mark from Maniac Films.
The video above is a link to the Slopes Game room YouTube channel trailer video.
We were sent the master Blu-ray electronically, which we converted using our dedicated software into the BDCMF format which is required for Blu-ray replication and got it back to Daniel quickly.
You are a huge life saver. I can't thank you enough and I really do appreciate your quick turn around with this
- Daniel Ibbertson
If you need fast BDCMF encoding for Blu ray replication or Blu-ray authoring and encoding services then please get in touch to discuss your project.