Livestream Town Hall Meeting at London law firm HQ

Mark has just returned from London, where he was working with Phil and Rob to provide a livestreaming video service to a global law firm for a Town Hall style business meeting at their head-office in central London.

They had an early start and stayed just outside London the night before to arrive and setup with plenty of time to test the equipment and do a full tech-check with the client and remote speakers before the event was due to start. They used our main livestreaming equipment and vision mixer, plus sound desk and radio microphones for presenters and roaming hand held radio mics for audience participation.

Phil and Rob part of the live stream crew for London law firm

At the end of the session Mark edited the multi-camera video with some additional presentation material and after a swift colour grade and sound normalisation it was ready to deliver to the client along with some stills to use on their social media.

If you need some crew for your next production or a full service livestream video production, then please get in touch with us at Maniac Films to see how we can help.

Published Wednesday 3 July 2024 by Mark Brindle in Crew Hire
