Stu spent the last weekend down at the AbsoluteDogs training venue where he filmed a 2 day dog agility training course, with guest trainer and agility world champion Tobia Wust from Germany..
Unfortunately the event was held right in the middle of Storm Dennis, so it was a chilly day but the training barn at least kept us all dry for the filming.
10 students were taken through their agility paces with a series of very challenging courses across the weekend, with Tobias offering advice and new techniques to meet the challenges.
Stu captured the events using two tripod mounted Sony a7s II cameras, one for close-ups and the other for a wide safety shot. Audio was captured using an Edirol recorder and Sennheiser radio mics and a handheld radio mic for QnA sessions.
At the end of each day, Stu also filmed a series of bonus lessons where Tobias worked with Lauren from Absolute Dogs to teach extra techniques for viewers at home.
The footage will be edited and uploaded to the Absolute Dogs Vimeo channel. From there they will embed the videos onto their members only websitwhere subscribers can view the course
If you are interested in video production or just certain elements of it like filming & crew hire or post production and editing then please get in touch to discuss your next project.