Film Distribution Preparation for Look To The Light Feature

We have been preparing the feature film Look To The Light for distribution and creating captions and a textless version for possible dubbing. This English language feature film by writer and director Christopher Manoe stars Lucy Benjamin, Charlie Goddard and Sharon Duce in the life of a wannabe celebrity influencer which turns dark as he chooses fame over his first love.

The family is very happy thier son has got onto a celebrity TV show

See more production information about Look To the Light on the IMDB website. Watch the trailer for the film on the link above, or watch the trailer directly here on Vimeo.

We did some work on noise reduction and rebuilding the films trailer, linking in the 5.1 sound as well as trying to improve the overall look of the film from original camera files from the film's producer. The captions files were delivered in a format that can be used as subtitles on DVD or Blu-ray and also used on streaming platforms like YouTube, Nexflix, Vimeo and Amazon.

Look To The Light romantic drama movie poster

If you need captioning for your film, then please get in touch with us for a quote. We also offer digital restoration services for removal of dirt and scratches on film transfers, as well as distribution preparation such as re-editing to remove text and patching in original camera footage if required.

Published Tuesday 5 March 2024 by Mark Brindle in Post Production
