Editing for Garin Clay Quicksilver King of the Groms entry

We have just completed an edit for Garin Clay from Devon for his entry into the 2013 Quiksilver 'King of the Groms' contest. The video was originally shot by Devon based Mikey Corker with music by Scott Nixon supplied as part of the QS comp entry.

The fim needed to be tweaked to fit with the competition guidelines and Mikey was away on a shoot in Europe, so Garin's dad came to us. We edited it down to fit in the comp guidelines and add the obligatory Quiksilver bumpers and music and upload and added a bit of VFX and grading where we could.

Garin was stoked with the video and is very stoked with surfing like a true Grom should be!

Fingers crossed and good luck to Garin.

Published Thursday 4 July 2013 by Stu Gaunt in Post Production
