DCP for Experimental Documentary And then we heard shouts and cries

We have just delivered a 2K DCP (Digital Cinema Package) for artist-filmmaker Ricky Chambers for his recent experimental documentary 'And then we heard shouts and cries' for an upcoming screening of the film. The film is an experimental documentary made in response to the 1968 partial collapse of Ronan Point, a 22-storey East London tower-block. Told by a constellation of disembodied voices; the personal accounts of it’s former residents and locals, the film constructs a heterogeneous portrait of the block and explores notions of memory, place and localised identity through a mix of new and archive footage.

You can watch the 25 minute documentary via Vimeo on the link above.

If you plan to screen your film at a cinema or festival and need a DCP or perhaps DVD or Blu-ray authoring then please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Published Wednesday 20 February 2019 by Mark Brindle in DCP & Disc Production
