BDCMF conversion for The Beach Bum Blu-ray French release

We have been sent a copy of the 2019 film, The Beach Bum, starring Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dogg, Isla Fisher, Jimmy Buffett, with Zac Efron and Martin Lawrence to covert for Blu-ray replication. Watch the movie trailer above or directly on YouTube here.

The plot follows the adventures of stoner poet Moondog (McConaughey) in and around the Florida Keys as he tries to finish his new novel for the respect of his daughter and his share of his wife's estate.

We were sent a digital master copy of the finished BDMV Blu-ray files, which we ran through our conversion software to create a BDCMF master format for replication. The completed master was then sent electronically ready for mastering and delivery to the replicator. We can normally provide BDCMF encoding same day or next day, depending on your timezone. Check out teh French Blu-ray version here on

The Beach bum movie poster

If you have a film project and need help getting it onto DVD or Blu-ray then please get in touch with us at Maniac Films or check out our DVD & Blu-ray services for more information. We offer BDCMF conversion services or Blu-ray replication, as well as high quality Digital Cinema (DCP) encoding for Film Festivals and Digital Cinema Release.

Published Monday 31 May 2021 by Stu Gaunt in DCP & Disc Production
