Available for hire we have a 3 filter kit from Schneider optics in 4x4inch, 100mmx100mm size to suit a matte box. This high quality glass filter kit comprises:
Circular True-Pol 4x4 filter: Circular polarizer filter to reduces glare and unwanted reflections, saturate colors, deepen blue skies, improve contrast, and penetrate haze and to see underwater by reducing reflections and glare. see manufacturers link for more sample images

ND0.9 4x4 filter: Control exposure or depth of field (DOF) under various lighting conditions without affecting color or contrast by 3 stops which reduces light transmission by 87.5%. Great for DSLRs with no built in Neutral Density filters to give you control over depth of field (DOF) and allow you to shoot at large apertures in bright lighting conditions..
See manufacturers link for more sample images

Black Frost 1/2: Subtle softening of skin texture with this classic black frost filter. It will gives some flairs in the highlights and tones down contrast while holding black level. Removes that video "edge." See the manufacturers link for more information.

No Filter Black Frost 1/2 filter
This filter set comes packed in a custom soft case
These glass 4x4 100mm filters are also available individually. Please contact us for details
0.44 Kg