Nikon 028mm f2.8 Manual Focus Prime Lens Canon-EF Fit

Nikon 028mm f2.8 Manual Focus Prime Lens Canon-EF Fit

 Nikon 028mm f2.8 Manual Focus Prime Lens Canon-EF Fit

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Product Description

The Nikon 24mm is a manual focus wide-angle full-frame lens for Nikon or (by default) Canon EF with supplied adapter.
The lens has a maximum aperture of f/2.8 and a minimum aperture of f/22.

The lens features CRC (Close range correction) which increases sharpness in wide lenses at short focal distances.

The lens has a wide picture angle of 75deg and a closest focus distance 0.3m (1ft). The filter diameter is 52mm.
Normally fitted with adapter for Canon DSLR. This lens works on Super35 and APSC sensor cameras too, but will have a magnification factor of 1-4x-1.6x typically depending on camera sensor size.

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