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Published Thursday 18 August 2022 by Stu Gaunt in DCP & Disc Production

topic icon BDCMF encode Tetrovideo Philosophy of a Knife Blu-ray

Tetro Video are an Italian media company who are supporting the DVD and Blu-ray release of films by independent film-makers and also creating deluxe editions of classic horror films. They recently sent us a copy of Philosophy of a Knife, a 2008 Russian-American horror film written, produced, shot, edited, and directed by Andrey Iskanov.

We were provided with a copy of the Blu-ray master BDMV files, and were asked to convert this into a BDCMF format for replication.

Philosophy of a Knife covers the Japanese Army's Unit 731, a covert division who conducted gruesome experiments on humans in its research for biological and chemical warfare. The film mixes archival footage, interviews, and extremely graphic reenactments of experiments performed there

Philosophy of a Knife poster image

We ran the Blu-ray through our dedicated encoding software and returned the finished files digitally via the internet. These files were then sent to the replication factory for construction of a glass master and final production for release.

If you have a film project and need help getting it onto DVD or Blu-ray then please get in touch with us at Maniac Films or check out our DVD & Blu-ray services for more information. We offer BDCMF conversion services or Blu-ray replication, as well as high quality Digital Cinema (DCP) encoding for Film Festivals and Digital Cinema Release.

Talk to us about your project!