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' lighting rental' Results:
Matching Rental Categories:
Lighting Hire
Lighting Hire Lighting Rental
Lighting Hire Lighting Grip
Lighting Hire Video & Film Lighting Kits
Matching Kit Available to Hire from Maniac Films UK:
Aputure Ls1c Bi-colour Cri95+ Dual Panel Led Lighting Set
£27.00 per day
Aputure Ls1c Bi-colour Cri95+ Single Panel Led Lighting
£18.00 per day
Aputure Ls1c Bi-colour Dual Panel Diffused Led Lighting Kit
£33.00 per day
Flexible Gooseneck Lighting Stand
£1.44 per day
Kupo Steel Extending Baby Boom Arm For Lighting
£6.00 per day
Lighting Safety Wire 75cm
£0.25 per day
Manfrotto Compact Stacking Lighting Stand
£2.00 per day
Matthews Lighting Stand Medium Duty Black/aluminum Stand
£4.00 per day
Mole Grips With Dual Lighting Spigots
£2.00 per day
Matching Services Available across the UK:
Video Production
Crew Hire
Matching Articles and Blog Posts from Maniac Films:
Lighting crew hire for TV advert in Paignton for Jurassic Fibre
Aputure MT Pro LED lighting now in stock
Aputure c300d Mk II LED lighting now in stock
Inglorious - Where Are You Now - music video lighting & jib hire
Aputure C300D LED film lighting upgraded
Aputure lighting hire for Fitness centre promo film
Aputure 2K LED film lighting now in stock
Reboot film, shot using Maniac lighting available online
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